Valet Pro Enzyme Odour Eater Review

Anenzyme based odour eater. It’s designed to remove bad odours from milk, sick,urine etc. This product only works while it’s wet. Once spray on the effectedarea the friendly bacteria produces enzyme which compete with the bad bacteria(which cause the smell), by removing the food source which the bad bacteriathrives on. The food source might be milk, sick, urine etc. Enzymeodour eater will also remove organic staining from tea, blood or water.
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What We Say

What is it?

Taken from ValetPro themselves:

An enzyme based odour eater. It's designed to remove bad odours from milk, sick, urine etc. This product only works while it's wet. Once spray on the effected area the friendly bacteria produces enzyme which compete with the bad bacteria (which cause the smell), by removing the food source which the bad bacteria thrives on. The food source might be milk, sick, urine etc. Enzyme odour eater will also remove organic staining from tea, blood or water.

How we tested it?

We have used Enzyme Odour Eater as part of our valeting arsenal for several years now. It has been used on everything from spillages such as milk and coffee to sick and also in the treatment of mould as it removes that which the mould thrives on.

We Liked:

  • Leaves a lovely scent in the car that lasts and doesn't just mask odours, removes them.
  • Effective when used on headlining and sprayed through the ventilation system of the car.
  • Can be diluted up to 5:1 meaning you can adjust the strength based on that which you are tackling and the size of area to be treated.

We didn't Like:

  • During application the product can be quite choking, to the extent we felt quite unwell at one point. We would definitely recommend a mask and it should be clearer on the packaging.
  • Quite an expensive product as you need to use quite a lot of product for any task and only the 1L and 5L are dilutable.


In theory, Enzyme Odour Eater should have its place on your shelf as we will all have that moment of panic when something is spilt or dropped in the car leaving a lingering smell. We just aren't sure it is for the home user. With products like odour bombs offering arguably a more effective solution to one off situations, we feel only the 5L is really justifiable for trade use. Even then, it is expensive. We also feel that there should be more emphasis placed on user safety as it caused us literally to wheeze on more than one occasion. However, it may appeal to dog owners and there is no denying that the product is largely effective.

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